









A sadistic gal Yu-sama & Acha-sama’s bullying of a masochistic man

This time, Acha-sama, who has such a crazy personality that he gets a call with a masochistic man while having sex with a sadistic gal Yu-sama, is bullied by two people!They are beaten with sandals and loafers, and the two of them are given what they have stepped on through the soles of their shoes.Furthermore, the two thrust their bare legs into their mouths and treat them as small as well as garbage.At the end, she is spitted on, looked down upon, and cums as she masturbates.This is a work that you should definitely take a look if you want to kneel in front of two young gals, be fooled and beaten up.It also includes a short video of two gals bullying a masochistic man in a parking lot.

虐待狂的gal yu-sama&acha-sama对一个受虐狂的欺凌行为

这次,Acha-sama的性格如此疯狂,以至于他与一个受虐狂的男人接到了与虐待狂的gal yu-sama发生性关系的电话,受到两个人的欺负!他们被凉鞋和便鞋殴打,他们两个被赋予了他们在鞋底上踩到的东西。此外,两人将裸露的腿伸入嘴里,并将它们像垃圾一样对待。最后,她吐了,低头看着,在自慰时暨。如果您想跪在两个年轻的女孩面前,被愚弄和殴打,那么您绝对应该看看这项工作。它还包括一个简短的视频,讲述了两个女孩在停车场欺负一名受虐狂的人。

