
失便pantypooping 壇涼果











甘えんぼう教育振興会 最近さ、甘えんぼう教育振興会っていう団体が話題なんだよ。その団体が提唱するのは、子供たちを甘やかしすぎないで育てること。親が子供に甘すぎると、将来的に社会でうまくやっていけないって言うんだってさ。まあ、確かにその通りかもしれないけど、でもやっぱり親って、子供を甘やかしたくなっちゃうよね。でも、そのバランスって難しいよな。甘えんぼう教育振興会の考え方、なかなか興味深いよ。

Fine pantyPooping Dan Ryoka

PantyPooping is the act of leaking shit while wearing clothes.Ryojin who has leaked poo on the train.I couldn’t forget the sexual excitement I learned in shame, humiliation and discomfort, and I wanted to shoot a fake.After pouring the disposable enema from the anus, wear the pants again and endure the convenience.Glycerin stimuli triggers stimuli, and the muddy liquid is dirty with white pants and stockings.Ryojika’s breathing was rough with pleasure while tracing the stool cluster in the pants with his finger.Experience a consumer in a single room.First of all, an enema using an Ilrigatur in a pink swimsuit.A brown poop accumulates in the crotch of the swimsuit in a squeak.Masturbate with the genitals that are dirty with manure from the top of the swimsuit.Next is the first experience of cloth opt.After enema, wear an unfamiliar diaper while enduring the inconvenience of attacking.Large stools inflate the diaper.Enema a 500cc hot water for the purpose of washing the intestine.Because the enema is used, a dirty hot water in the intestine returns to the irrigator because it uses a special nozzle.Drop the paper diaper excreted the light hot water remaining in the intestine.Finally, enema with an injection cylinder, ejaculate with labia service, and endure the inconvenience under the condition of excretion OK.It cannot be ejaculated, and coolness pollutes underwear by stool.

精美的Pantypoop Dan Ryoka

Pantypoop是穿着衣服时泄漏狗屎的行为。Ryojin在火车上泄漏了便便。我无法忘记我在羞耻,屈辱和不适中学到的性兴奋,我想拍摄一个假。从肛门倒入一次性灌肠后,再次穿裤子并忍受便利。甘油刺激会触发刺激,泥泞的液体脏,白色的裤子和长袜。Ryojika的呼吸很愉快,同时用手指在裤子里追踪凳子簇。在一个房间里体验消费者。首先,在粉红色的泳衣中使用卵形的灌肠。棕色的大便在吱吱声的泳装裤中积聚。从泳衣顶部的肥料肮脏的生殖器手淫。接下来是Bloth Opt的第一个体验。灌肠后,戴上陌生的尿布,同时忍受攻击的不便。大凳子充气尿布。灌肠500cc热水是为了洗涤肠。由于使用了灌肠,因此肠中的脏热水返回灌溉器,因为它使用了特殊的喷嘴。将纸尿布排出,排出剩余的肠中的轻热水。最后,带有注射缸,用阴唇服务射精,并在排泄条件下忍受不便。它不能射精,凳子的凉爽污染内衣。

